Coke Commercial Is Like Justice's Music Video

LEFT: D.A.N.C.E by Justice (2007) original; RIGHT: Coke commercial (2009) similar in concept

Some of you might have seen this cooky music video last year wherein two headless guys (headless because the camera is on constant close up of their t-shirt area) walking around while moving graphics are featured on their plain-looking wardrobe. Fast-forward to 2009 and I saw this Coke (not that cooky anymore) commercial released in the Philippines with the same concept. It shows swimmer and actor Enchong Dee. See the commercial here. The moving graphics are not the same, of course, but the concept is the similar. Nothing overwhelmingly foul here but in the art community, originality still counts, unless Justice,the artist of the music video I mentioned (D.A.N.C.E. is the single) is acknowledged as inspiration. If they did already, then great. Let's drink Coke and get cooky.


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